Rapid deterioration of our LibertiesThe federal government has stepped into a thorny issue in Illinois saying that schools must give transgender students full locker room access, or else. The Obama administration slammed a suburban Chicago public school district for not providing a (male) transgender student with access to the girls’ locker rooms. A U.S. Department…
Author: highwayadmin
LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE:“The Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists recommended a change in programming to one of our local churches. Doug Batchelor, Speaker for Amazing Facts, had been scheduled for a one-week meeting this fall at Spring Meadows church. However, the Florida Conference Administration views Pastor Batchelor as a polarizing influence…
July 28, 2015 – The State of Kentucky has established a policy requiring pastors who volunteer in its prison system to sign a statement agreeing not to tell inmates that homosexuality was “sinful.”Pastor David Wells an ordained Baptist minister, who had served as a volunteer chaplain for over ten years at the Warren County Regional…
We can be very grateful as the Holy Spirit has led God’s remnant people in General Conference Session to choose Scripture over Culture. The vote on Wednesday sends a clear message that, though there is much division on the issue of “Ordination Regardless of Gender”, our people soundly defeated the huge roadblock that the enemy…
March 18, 2015The church redefines marriage to include “a commitment between two people”The Presbyterian Church (USA) made a historic decision Tuesday night to formally recognize gay marriage and allow same-sex couples to marry in its congregations.The largest Presbyterian denomination in the U.S. voted to redefine the church constitution on marriage to include “a commitment between…
This is a “Must Read”, Courtesy of Gerry Wagner, President of AdVindicate: Beware of the sound of one hand clapping May 28, 2015 Gerry Wagoner Just about halfway between dogmatic and awkward on the linear leadership scale there is a middle point that is a mixture of both. Over the last twelve months, the North…
[The following was taken word for word from the Adventist Review of July 3, 1985 at the General Conference Session in New Orleans. It is quoting the comments of Elder Neal Wilson, General Conference President]:“There are more vice presidents of the General Conference who represent other parts of the world than North America. If you…
As Seventh day Adventists, we have been selected by God to bring to this sin sick world the truths of His Holy word; from the Sanctuary message to the 7th day Sabbath of Creation to victorious Christian living, and all the other wonderful truths to which we have been entrusted according to that Word. And…
The World is WatchingThe Justice Department has acknowledged constructing a database to track the movements of millions of vehicles across the U.S. in real time.The program, whose existence was first reported by The Wall Street Journal, is primarily overseen by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to combat drug trafficking near the U.S.-Mexico border. However, government…
Avondale College in the South Pacific Division of Seventh day Adventists suggests that the church should put aside such antiquated notions of a literal seven-day creation week and at least tolerate the idea that life has existed and evolved on this planet for at least a couple of billion years. This was published in a…