We can be very grateful as the Holy Spirit has led God’s remnant people in General Conference Session to choose Scripture over Culture. The vote on Wednesday sends a clear message that, though there is much division on the issue of “Ordination Regardless of Gender”, our people soundly defeated the huge roadblock that the enemy of souls has been placing in our pathway now for more than 25 years. I personally do not think it should even have been on the agenda once again. Why do we keep addressing the issue? Do we not believe that the Lord gave us our answer in 1990 and 1995?Let us pray that it will never raise its ugly head again as a world agenda item. We have our answer.Elder Wilson addressed that world wide body of believers with a very humble spirit. I recognize that he is only a man, but we need to pray that God will give him the strength and fortitude for the ensuing 5 years as he provides leadership for our world church.
July 9, 2015