Rome Reports, April 3, 2019
Pope Francis speaking with an audience of Muslims told them that God wants a fraternity among Muslims and Catholics. The Pope is encouraging everyone to live in brotherhood with other faiths.
Francis announced the opening of the NEW CHRISLAM HEADQUARTERS in 2022 that will combine a Muslim mosque and a Catholic/Protestant Christian Church.
At the same time the German government is constructing a house of worship for all faiths in Berlin. This “House of One” in Berlin is being referred to as “Churmosquagogue”. Its intent is to bring together those of all faiths as a sign of solidarity.
Jewish Rabbi, Andreas Nachama, said “There are many different ways to God, and each is a good way.” (Jerusalem Post Mar. 1, 2021)
The concept of a “One World Religion” is alive and well.
Jesus teaches that there is only one (1) way to God. There are no optional methods. In John 14:6 we read… “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, but by Me.”
Dr. Luke also said…. “Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12