From: Breitbart News NetworkPope Francis described the migration crisis in Europe as an “Arab invasion,” and that “Europe weakens” by “forgetting its own history…” that is, its Roman Catholic history. “There’s something that bothers me,” said Pope Francis. “Of course, globalization unites us and thus has positive aspects. But, I think there are good and less good [aspects of] globalization.” To Pope Francis, globalization should have the nations “united, but, every people, every nation, retains its identity, its culture, its wealth.” And by culture, he is referring to its religious culture, its Roman Catholic culture.“The only continent that can bring some unity to the world is Europe,” he continued. Referring to Catholicism, he said, “If Europe wants to rejuvenate, it must rediscover it’s cultural roots.” That’s talking about its Catholic roots. “Of all the Western countries, Europe has the stronger and deeper roots…” he continued. “But forgetting its own history, Europe weakens. It is then that it risks becoming an empty place,” he stated.“Sometimes I wonder where you’ll find a Schumann or Adenauer, these great founders of the European Union,” he continued. In founding the EU, Schumann and Adenauer were attempting to restore the Holy Roman Empire.But to make it really clear that he is referring to Catholic culture of Europe, Pope Francis took aim at France’s fiercely secular constitution, “Your secularism is incomplete… We need a healthy secularism. In the Hispanic world it is said that France is the eldest daughter of the Church, but not necessarily the most faithful daughter.”Rediscovering Europe’s Catholic culture would help to heal the deadly wound inflicted on the Catholic Church by the Reformation and the French Revolution.“And his deadly wound was healed.” Revelation 13:3
March 18, 2016