Three (3) Days and Three (3) Nights
“For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Mt. 12:40This either means three full days or is an idiom for parts of three days. It must be the latter, for if it means 72 full hours (3 days and 3 nights) Christ could not rise till after the third day was over and would then have risen on the second day of the week. But we read (Mk 16:9) that He rose on the first day of the week.See also Mt. 16:21; 20:19; Mk. 9:31; 10:34; Lk. 9:22; 18:33; 24:6,7. The phrase therefore does not mean 72 full hours.It was a Jewish maxim that a part stood for the whole, and as Jesus was in the tomb part of the sixth day, all the seventh day, and part of the first day, the phrase “three days and three nights” is used to express this time.Christ was crucified on the day before the Sabbath and rose on the day after the Sabbath. (Lk. 24:21) {H.M.S.Richards, Sr.}
NOTE: If, as some have said, Christ was speaking of the time period extending from Thursday night until Sunday morning, create another problem. Even though this now gives you your 3 literal nights, you now have removed the 3 days, because then you would only have the daylight hours of Friday & Sabbath.The following statement affirms the SDA position that Christ was in the “heart of the earth” from Friday evening until the dark hours of early Sunday morning.
Three Days & Three Nights
Death and Resurrection of Christ